iphone - FBlikeControl button image and Text change -
I added the FBLeck button which was provided in SDK 3.19. Its working fine but I need to change the image and text button. I have googled but found nothing.
Yes, it is possible that you can see the default FBLoginView button
loginView.frame = CGRectMake (320/2 - 93/2, self.view.frame.size.height -200, 93, 93); (LoginView.subviews in the id login object) {if ([LoginObject isKindOfClass: [UIButton class]]) {UIButton * loginButton = LoginObject; UIImage * loginImage = [UIImage image named: @ "YOUR_IMAGE_HERE"]; LoginButton.alpha = 0.7; [Login buttonBackground display: Login master for state: UIControlStateNormal]; [Login Setback Background Image: State for Zero: UIControlStateSelected]; [Login Setback Background Image: State for Zero: UIControlStateHighlighted]; [Login button snapshot]; } If ([Log In object iskind of class: [UILabel class]]) {UILabel * loginLabel = LoginObject; LoginLabel.text = @ ""; LoginLabel.frame = CGRectMake (0, 0, 0, 0); }}
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