Print single JSON Object as a CSV in C# -
I am trying to print a single jobcase as a CSV line
for example For:
{"result": {"id": "24095", "hostid": "24094", "name": "", "ipaddress": ""}} as the id, hosted, name, ipadress 24095,24094,, 192.168. 1.184 I can easily access
foreach (job item) {console.light (item's + ",") through the object I can repeat with; } But I end up with one at the end of the title
I tried
for (int i = 0; I & Job; Job.Count; i ++) ... But I am having trouble reaching the IE. I'm messing up here, but I'm not sure what to do.
How can I print all the keys at the end of CSV minus A in an object?
Thank you.
Try the following code.
string result = string. Empty; Foreign currency (different items in the job) {if (! String.ISNLLIT (result)} {Results + = ","; } Results + = items.key; } Console.light line (results);
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