ubuntu - Converting QEMU command line args to libvirt domain xml -

I have a hard time converting this QEMU command into a libvirt domain XML: < P>
  qemu-system-x86_64 -nable -kvm \ -m 3072 \ -compto core2do \\ -matchinqq 35 \ -smp2 \ -subbedwoice keyboard \\Subbewite mouse \ -WAgra study \ -Design ISA-AppleMC, OS = "$ {OSX_OSKEY_key}" \ - kernel "$ {chameleon_file_path}" \ -device ide-drive, bus = ide.2, drive = MacHDD \ -drive id = MacHDD, if = none, Cache = none, file = "$ {vm_hdd_ Img_file_path} "- Netdev user, id = hub0port0 \ -device virtio-net, netdev = hub0port0, id = eth0   

If I call from Terminal (Ubuntu 14.10) but Virsh domxml-to-native qemu-argv MacHDD-Devis fails with this error:

  Error: Internal Error: missing ID / ID / Just parameter = MacHDD, if = none, cat = any, file = "$ {vm_hdd_img_file_path}" ''   

(Note: I notice it's variable Try to do the place with the actual path Minister, do the same error - and if I'm the last two extracts Argus it changes in the domain XML variables involved)

How do I solve it? Or would the domain be equal to the last two arguments in XML? (Tried several different combinations, but it could not work with libvirt / virsh)


This is for the record that I The domain-to-directed command of the virus is running- no-device

  & lt; Domain Type = 'KVM' xmlns: qemu = 'http: //libvirt.org/schemas/domain/qemu/ 1.0' & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Anonymous & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; UUID & gt; 38cafecb-4774-4590-83eb-e576a79aab93 & lt; / UUID & gt; & Lt; Memory unit = 'kb' & gt; 3145728 & lt; / Memory & gt; & Lt; Current Memory Unit = 'KB' & gt; 3145728 & lt; / Current Memory & gt; & Lt; Vcpu placement = 'static' & gt; 2 & lt; / vcpu & gt; & Lt; OS & gt; & Lt; Type arch = 'x86_64' machine = 'q35' & gt; HVM & lt; / Type & gt; & Lt; Kernel & gt; $ {Chameleon_file_path} & lt; / Kernel & gt; & Lt; / OS & gt; & Lt; Features & gt; & Lt; ACPI / & gt; & Lt; / Features & gt; & Lt; Cpu mode = 'custom' match = 'exact' & gt; & Lt; Model Fallback = 'Allow' & gt; Core 2 DOO & lt; / Model & gt; & Lt; / Cpu & gt; & Lt; Clock offset = 'utc' / & gt; & Lt; On_poweroff & gt; Destroy & lt; / On_poweroff & gt; & Lt; On_reboot & gt; Restart & lt; / On_reboot & gt; & Lt; On_crash & gt; Destroy & lt; / On_crash & gt; & Lt; Devices & gt; & Lt; Emulator & gt; / Usr / bin / qemu-system- x86_64 & lt; / Emulator & gt; & Lt; Controller Type = 'sata' index = '0' / & gt; & Lt; Controller Type = 'pci' index = '0' model = 'pcie-root' / & gt; & Lt; Controller type = 'pci' index = '1' model = 'dmi-to-pci-bridge' / & gt; & Lt; Controller Type = 'pci' index = '2' model = 'pci-bridge' / & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'keyboard' bus = 'usb' / & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'mouse' bus = 'USB' / & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'mouse' bus = 'ps2' / & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'keyboard' bus = 'ps2' / & gt; & Lt; Graphics type = 'SDL' / & gt; & Lt; Video & gt; & Lt; Model Type = 'VGA' vram = '9216' head = '1' /> & Lt; / Video & gt; & Lt; Membelon Model = 'None' / & gt; & Lt; / Devices & gt; & Lt; qemu: command line & gt; & Lt; Qemu: erg value = '- device' / & gt; & Lt; Qemu: argument value = 'isa-applesmc, osk = & amp; Quot; $ {osx_osk_key} & amp; Quot; /> & Lt; Qemu: erg value = '- netdev' / & gt; & Lt; Qemu: ARG value = 'user, id = hub0port0' / & gt; & Lt; Qemu: erg value = '- device' / & gt; & Lt; Qemu: Arg Value = 'virtio-net, netdev = hub0port0, id = eth0' / & gt; & Lt; / qemu: command line & gt; & Lt; / Domain & gt;   

But I can not understand what will happen to the device in this situation and I am unable to create VM from this domain XM.

Even without MacHDD-devis and -dryd I get this error when I use VM with $ virsh create

  Attempt to create: Failed to create domain: Libvirt.xml Error: Internal Error: AppArmor profile can not load 'libvirt-38cafecb-4774-4590-83eb-e576a79aab93'    

TBH I do not know from that familiar, but nothing like this will happen:

  & lt; Disk type = 'file' device = 'disk' & gt; & Lt; Source file = '/ path / to / image.img' / & gt; & Lt; Target dev = 'hda' bus = 'ide' / & gt; & Lt; / Disk & gt;    


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