javascript - How to get rid of blocks nested too deeply while using jshint with grunt? -

Someone please help me fix the warning in the raucous voice. I am using a fall situation in my project and I am getting warnings, the blocks are also deeply nested & lt; 5>.

  var chartGuideLines = function () {var chartid = $ scope.chart.panel .id; Var chartTitle = $ scope.confdata.prop.chartsarray; (Var i = 0; i & lt; chartTitle.length; i ++) for {var chart links = chart title [i]; Var chart iid = charts lang.ed; If (Charts === chart) {for (var j = 0; j & lt; chartslength.charts.length; j ++) {var charts Data charts length Charte [J]; Var guidlines = chartsdata.guideliney; If (type off guideline! == 'undefined') {var guidlineY = $ scope.chart.targetNode.getElementsByClassName ('guideline-y'); {GuidlineY [ii] .style.strokeDasharray = guidlines.stroke; for Var (ii = 0; ii & lt; guidlineY.length; ii ++); }}}}}};   

Thanks in advance.

Just add the following sentence before the function begins.

// jshint maxdepth: 5


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