jquery - Bootstrap 3 Dropdown Slidedown Strange Behavior when Navbar Collapsed -
Then I was adding some animations to the Navbar dropdown, but for some reason the most accepted answer () breaks or becomes The "regular" shape is slippery in small window sizes.
So the odd thing is that it only happens with the slide animation from the post text: I can copy and paste those rows that can be pasted into Google Chrome's console, once my navbar drops, and they break all of my resolutions (I Time has expanded for trying and troubleshooting.) General: Broken slideup: But for some reason, if I run Updates This works with the last option because it does not remove the 'Open' class from the attached dropdown element, so animation is triggered, so maybe Update 2 I can fix this by stopping it Default: It is difficult without being able to inspect the elements, The class can be with a container with "dropdown-menu" (or whatever element is also included in the scroll bar if it is not a drop-down menu). I do not think that there is a problem with your jQuery but I try to add a style to control overflow property , try to hide it to force the box to exit the page boundary The main scroll should handle it from there, although from UX perspective, I take care to create a menu with many nesting victims, which is a bad experience. Can get as low users.
$ ('. navbar') I can. Find '(dropdown-menu'). SlideUp (5000); I have a general behavior menu:
< p> thoughts?
The open class is being removed prematurely.
// $ ('. Dropdown') Add slideshow animation to ('Hide.bs.dropdown', function (e) {e.preventDefault (); $ (this) ('' dropdown-menu '') first () .pause (true, true) .SlideUp (300, Function) {$ (this). Parent (). RemoveClass ('open');})}};
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