Migrating from Symfony 2.1 to 2.5, choice fields not working -

I'm updating a Siemens 2.1 project to 2.5, and it has seen that the country and foreign institution dropdowns are empty.

This form is:

  named place KF \ UserBundle \ Form \ Type; Use Symfony \ Component \ Form \ AbstractType; Use Symfony \ Component \ Form \ FormBuilderInterface; Class Registration Type Abstract Type {Public Function Buildform (Forfbuilder interface $ builder, array $ option) {$ builder - & gt; Add ('first name', empty, array ('required' => true)) - & gt; Add ('Last Name' ('Required' => True)) - & gt; Plus ('email', 'email', array ('required' = & gt; true)) - & gt; Add ('Telephone', empty, array ('required' => incorrect)) - & gt; ('Country', 'country', array ('required' = & gt; true, 'property_path' = & gt; 'address' home code, 'empty_man' = & gt; 'user.registration_form.select_country', 'Empty_data' = & gt; null)) - & gt; Add ('agency', 'unit', array ('class' = & gt;' KFEEEP bundle: agency ',' property '= & gt;' name ',' empty_value '= & gt;' user.registration_form.select_agency ',' Empty_data '= & gt; blank,' required '=> true)) - & gt; Joint ('Inspiration', 'Text', 'Array (' Attr '=> Array (' cols' => 50, 'Lines' => 8),' Required '=> False) }} Public function getName () {return 'kf_userbundle_accountdetailstype'; country} is a type of native symphony type, and should work only. 'Agency' class is found and records are in DB, even then it is also empty.  

Any ideas?

My form is being overriden, and choice_widget with it.

In return I used this excluded twitch block widget_choice_options (new choice_widget_options ).

This page describes in detail:


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