C - Eclipse - "Mixed" dialect and ANSI support crash program? -

I have a strange problem with C in Eclipse, right click on my project, I have properties, C / C ++ Build, settings, go to the GCC C compiler dialect. In the dropdown menu, by default, there is nothing below the language standard, and my program is running fine. However, by changing some more (C90, C99, or C11), the program crashes when running.

By using the debugger, I looked at the disassembly and received a complaint about strln (at some memory address) and I am not sure where to move from here

here Some assemblies are:

  mov (% ecx),% al $ 0x1,% ecx test% al,% al je 0x75234434 & lt; Strlen + 97 & gt; Test $ 0x3,% ecx jne 0x752343df & lt; Strlen + 12 & gt; ...   

Interestingly, clicking on a variety of, without the quote, and clicking on the support ANSI program (-c) can lead to the exact error.

Any other advice is welcome :)

Tracebook as a request:

  # 0 0x752343df strlen () in C : Fprintf (__stream = 0x752c2980 & lt; msvcrt! _iob + 128 & gt ;, __format = 0x4561dc & lt; in: \ WINDOWS \ syswow64 \ Msvcrt.dll # 1 0x0044e2bd in __mingw_pformat () # 2 0x0044ca5f in __mingw_vfprintf () # 3 0x00417156 __ register_frame_info + 4547036> "% s% .2lf% s% .0lf% .0lf% .2lf% .2lf% .2lf% .2lf") c: /mingw/include/stdio.h: 246 # 4 0x00418893 In skriv_v_profil (tag = 0x809fe8, nasta_stat = ..., sign = 1, variant = 2) at .. \ src \ kortid.c: 314 # 5 0x00419d65 in kor_tid (tag = 0x809fe8, v2 = 24.25, smax = 452, Tmax = 100000). \ Src \ kortid. c: 642 # 6 0x00427fdb in gang_tid (tag = 0x809fe8, ret_kod = 2, tmax = 100000, skriv_g3 = 0, test_finnsg3 = 0, t_ack = 3030.5876288659802) on .. \ src \ gangtid.c: 2617 # 7 0x00403215 in kor_tag ( (= 0x28fd6c, grnidx = 0, tagtyp = 0x7e6ea0, TTPIDx) in #Grenacort (tagatt = 0x809fe8, luncen = 0x7cc338, racketting = 1, result = 0x7da1f8, resflg = 7) .. \ src \ ttt2gtk.c: 702 # = 0, space = 1, Resolge = 7, STPL = 0x0, resp = 0x28fd34). \ Src \ ttt2gtk.c: 2405 # 9xx424201b8 Main (argc = 11, argv = 0x7e1b00) .. \ src \ gtb .c: 991   

Sorry, I remember the copy of the second half because the window was really small.

I believe I got an error and one of the variables becomes -1 and Eclipse Highlights in I have no information about the details, but I think the solution will be very specific and I have to find myself. Thanks for the help John Bod and whatscag, especially about traceback. Life saver, thanks!


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