java - How to create an object from data in a file and assign it to an array? -

I need to take information from a file and put them into objects and insert them into an array so that I compare these areas By doing so, the objects and lists in the array, which contain the largest area of ​​the object and its position in the array.

I'm confused about how I get information from the file and every single object (circle or rectangle) and then that object is created after an array. I think my other classes are fine, I'm just stuck in the finish line.

Normally, I will do something like circle C1 = new circle (); How to create a new object, but how can I do with a file with the predefined notification and specify it in an array?


  â ???? CIRCLE ????, 1, is a blue color, true, on one side, 1, 2, a blue color, is true ??? ? RECTANGLEâ ????, 10, 2, a red ????, is a "cycle" true, 2, a "green" one ???? RECTANGLEâ ???? One ???? CIRCLE   


  import; Import; Import java.util.ArrayList; Import java.util.Scanner; Public Static Wide Men (String [] AGRs) Flannett throws foreign exposure {Scanner input = new scanner (new file ("C: /Users / Charles / Desktop / Gymmetric object.dta.txt")); ArrayList & LT; GeometricObject & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; Geometric Object & gt; (); While (input.hasNext ()) {string line = input Newlynline (); Println (line); }}}   

Geometric object:

  public abstract class geometric object {// class variables private string color; Private bullion filled; // constructor public geographic object () {super (); Color = "white"; Filled = False; } Public geometrical object (string color, boolean) {super;); This.color = color; this. Fill = fill; } // mutator public string getColor () {color of return; } Public Zero Set Collar (string color) {this.color = color; } Public boolean is filled () {loaded return; } Public Zero Setfield (Boolean Filled) {this.filled = fill; } // user-defined methods public essence dual getArea (); Public Abstract Double GetPerimeter (); @ Override public string toasting () {Return Super. Tosting () + "\ tColor =" + this.getColor () + "\ tFilled =" + this.isFilled (); }}   


  Public square circle provides physical double radius {// class variable}; // Constructor Public Circle () {super (); Radius = 1; } Public Circle (double radius, string color, fill boolean) {super (color, filled); This.radius = Radius; } // mutator public double mill RDIS () {return radius; } Public Zero Set Radius (double radius) {this.radius = radius; } // User-Defined Methods @ Override Public Double GetArea () {Area of ​​a Circle Return (Radius * Radius * Math.PI); } @ Override Public Double Hot Preliminary () {// Circular Return Perimeter (2 * Radius * Mathematics. PI); } @ Override public string toString () {return super.toString () + "\ n cycle: radius =" + this.getRadius (); }}   


  Public square rectangle geometric object {// class squared personal double height; Private double width; // Constructor Rectangle () {super}; Height = 1; Width = 1; } Public rectangle (double height, double width, string color, boolean fill) {super (color, filled); This.height = Height; This.width = width; } // mutual public double hoite () {height back; } Public Zero SatHight (double height) {this.height = height; } Public double getWidth () {return width; } Public Zero Set Width (double width) {this.width = width; } // user-defined methods @ override public string toasting () {return super. Tosting () + "\ nReference: Height =" + this.height + "\ tWidth =" + this.width; } @ Override Public Double GoAria () {Return (height * width); } @ Override Public Double Hot Primer () {Return (2 * height + 2 * width); }}    

  • In your text file, there are special quotes around your size Item is not there.
  • Example of creating an object (by its main method):

    This will make your life even more difficult, while (input.hasNext ()) {String line = input NXtine (); Println (line); String [] parts = line. Split (","); If (parts [0] .indexOf ("Circle")! = -1) {Circle C = new circle (); // ... ... to parse the remaining properties to set your spelling) and if ... // fill in other size cases}


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