spring - SockJS multiple sockets -
I have a Spring + SockJS application, which is using active MQ as a message broker.
Do I have two other chairs on the same JSP page, sending and receiving the only stomp message (with lots of traffic). Is it a guarantee that all messages will be distributed and received from both chairs?
Regards, Marco
If you lose the connection at any point, you will lose everything in disconnecting and reconnecting. This conclusion comes on.
Keep in mind that SockJS may be the result of different types of connections, such as websites, eksers, xdirs etc., on different clients. SockJS will still use TCP on any connection and will still guarantee it - order distribution. However, non-webbot connections can take longer to trigger the occurrence of the connection, so you have black-time duration on the client, almost any service needs to worry about it, because SockJS is sometimes a Webcott and "downgrade" will fail to join the excerpt (in their experience under high instantaneous load).
A good pattern, closed event handler, is locked whenever a connection fails to establish, which means that you reconnect to stop self-promotion on your server When you want to have back-off latency Separately, I add sequential packet numbers, and treat any client who recognizes the missing packet as a late joiner. (See this.) The requirement for your application may vary.
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