explorer - Batch file to open specific folders in specific window position -
I have a batch file that opens up to 3 specific folders, but I want a batch file, if possible, windows
For using this post, consider using VBS (Visual Basic Scripting) Please.
For example, the following scripts open windows arranged by common means Open:
/ P>
dim shell shell = create object ("shell application"). Open "path_folder1" open. Open "Path_Falter 2" open. Open "path_flower 3" wscript Open 1000 shell. Tilehorjantly Of course, you can also open folders from batch and then to organize windows. Can call VBS script.
Edit: To make only specific open windows in the screen, we can first reduce all current windows, then D job:
Dynamic Shell Set = Shell = Create Object ("Shell. Application") Shell. Open all sizes. Open "path_folder1" open. Open "Path_Falter 2" open. Open "Path_folder 3" wscript sleep 1000 shell. However, if you want to keep the old window active in the same situation, then before and at the same time only to arrange a new window, I do not have the solution right now.
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