swift - iOS 8 Storyboard / Main Interface -

I am an iOS made 8 App for I have two storyboard for the iPhone and iPad I IPad.storyboard main interface My problem is set that every time I run on an iPhone device, the iPad. Storeboard is still being called.

Is there a way to automatically detect the storyboard for a fixed device?

  // if a quicker solution you are looking for (UIDevice.currentDevice () UserInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Pad) {// iPad Y iPadBoyer: UITorryboard! iPadBoard = UIStoryboard (name: "iPad", bundle: nil) ViewController to: UIViewController = iPadBoard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier ( "iPad") UIViewController self.window as .rootViewController = ViewController} else {// iPhone bridesmaid iPhoneBoard: UIStoryboard! iPhoneBoard = UIStoryboard (name: "iPhone", bundle: nil) ViewController to: UIViewController = iPhoneBoard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier ( "iPhone5") UIViewController self.window as .rootViewController = ViewController}    < / Html>


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