javascript - Placeholders in Phalcon -
I am used for ASP.NET MVC, where I can define a section in the razor scene: / p>
@ html.RenderSection ("script") I usually put it at the bottom of my layout view. Thus, I can add scripts to my thoughts in this way and under the body, where the script section is defined, it will be included:
@section scripts {& lt; Script & gt; (Function () {// do stuff ...} ()); & Lt; / Script & gt; } In the Falcon, I can put it in the bottom of my layout view:
$ this-> assets-> outputJs (); Then I can add script to my thoughts like this:
$ this-> assets-> AddJs ('js / whatever.js'); The only downside of this method is the script for this view in a separate file, which means a different request. I would like to add the script directly to the scene, as I can with the razor and still have it provided in the lower part of the body. Does the Falcon allow you to do this?
Yes, you can use it:
& lt ;; Php $ this- & gt; Partial ("partial / js / whatever")? & Gt; Where js / whatever a php template in a views / partials / js / whatever.phtml The file is Apart from this, you can use the template engine and do the same:
{{partial ('partial / js / jo')}} or use it includes:
{% include "partials / js / whatever"%} in vault you [Blocks] [3] can also be used where you can main parts of the main layout (like footer ) in the template file Defined micro and each visual file you can define that should do it. {# templates / base .volt #} & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; My page & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "content" & gt; {% Block content%} {% endblock%} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "footer" & gt; {% Block footer} {% endblock%} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; and in the view:
{% "templates / base.value"%} extends {% block content%} & lt; H1 & gt; My page & lt; / H1> {% Endblock%} {% block footer%} {{partial ('partial / js / joe')}} {% endblock%} I wrote that the volt is for template Engine for the Falcon, but if you are using plain PPL then I do not know the exact solution. You can create simple service which collects links of templates in the controller and then output them partially in the main template.
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