mongodb - Best way to return documents that include a count of an internal collection? -
I have a collection with documents, such as the following:
{title: First, "Everything": ['Something', 'Something']} And I would like to get output like the following:
{"First", 3}, {"seconds, 2} What's the best way to do this? I call it the map function Implemented by: db.coll.find (). Map (function) {return {title: Item.title, count: item.sub_items.length};}) ; When trying to get the above results, would I be better to use and use something to be better than a display perspective if you have MongoDB 2.6 or later < / Strong>, you can or
$ size from the document: count The power and the total number of items in the array.
Below is an unwanted example:
db.coll.aggregate ({{"$ project": {"Title": 1, "count": {"$ size": "$ sub_items"}}}))
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