Addition going wrong in Python -
I am starting in Python and writing the original calculator
while correct: Print Init == "1": input1 = input ("Basic arithmetic ... only +, -, *, / has been accepted") ("PyCalc") print () init = input ("1 for basic arithmetic Press ") ...") input2 = re.findall (r '\ d + | \ + | \ | | * * | \ /', input1) ans = basiccalc (input2) print (ans) < Basic pre-requisites: DEF Basic CLC (given list): ans = int (given list [0]) in the given list PT A: If str (pt) .isdigit (): elif pt = = '+': Pos = given list.index (pt) ans = ans + int (given list [pos + 1]) return ans < / Pre> Adding 2 numbers when I run the program ... works correctly.
PyCalc Press 1 original arithmetic for basic arithmetic ... only + , -, *, / Approved ... 2 + 3 5
But when I enter more than 2 numbers ... it gives me a wrong answer Basic arithmetic: PyCalc Press 1 for basic arithmetic 1 ... Only +, -, *, / Approved .. .2 + 4 + 5 + 6 14
Why do I get such a reply? First of all, you should use the raw_input function instead of input, because the input is already counted arithmetic action. On input.
The second problem is for more than 2 numbers in your basic calculator function, which was not calculated at the last time, try that:
import def def Amount (A, B): AR BEF Basic CLC (given list): Return to answer = 0 op = sum for PT in the given list: if str (pt) .isdigit (): ans = op (ans, Int (pt)) last = int (pt) Elif pt == '+': op = sum return answer input1 = raw_input ("basic arithmetic ... only +, -, *, / allowed ...") input2 = Re.findall (r '\ d + | \ + | \ | \ | | * | \ /', input1) ans = basiccalc (input2) print (ans) For more information on parsing the Dragon Book Code example:
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