c# - Facebook API call crashing on iOS - Unity3D -
I am following this tutorial and can not understand why it is an accident on iOS. No errors when played in the editor and unchecked on Android. It has crashed on this line So my Apple Dev proof has just expired a few minutes ago, I have renewed it, and now there is no more accident. That's really what I did, either in code or anything No change I can not imagine that an almost finished proof would be the cause of the accident while calling an FB API but apparently it does. FB.API (url, Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, result => ), which is exactly copied as a tutorial.
Zero FBOnLoggedIn () {ParseFacebookUtils.LogInAsync (FB.UserId, FB.AccessToken, FB.AccessTokenExpiresAt); currentUser = ParseUser.CurrentUser; // Reqest player information and profile picture FB.API ("/ me? Fields = id , first_name, friends.limit (500). fields (id) ", facebook.htmpathip.git, apicolback); load picture api (utilgatepicture url (" m ", 128, 128), mainpicture clack); User ["Facebook Id"] = FB. UserID;} Zero Load PictureApi (String URL, LoadPrintCollbackbackback) {Print ("Load Picture"); FB.API (URL, Facebook. HTMMGET, Result => gt; {if (Result. Err! = Empty) {Util.logger error (result error); return;} string imageUrl = Util.DeserializePictureURLString (result. Text); StartCorrectin (LoadPictureInimator (image URL, callback))}}}}}
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