famo.us click generates two events Mouseevent and CustomEvent - overlayed surfaces -
I have encountered surfaces for which onlick famo.us randomly generates CustomEvent or Mouseevent or in some cases Both in how does it work?
Surface B its radius Is equal and a transformation (10, 280, 2) has a width of surface A of 320 and a result (0,0,1)
when I click on the surface A very very left, Mouse Event is available on a custom event and surface B on B
The above seems to be caused by Z Transform. When I change the zoom, then the surface B disappears clearly.
Surface B is equal to its radius and a result (10, 280, 1) has a width of surface A and is 320 Change (0, 0,2)
this.surfaceA.on (click on 'function', (e) {if (e instisionof CustomEvent) {this._eventOutput.emit ('select -row ', this. Obj);}} .bind (this)); This. SurfaceB.on ('click', function (e) {if (e instituteof customEvent) {this._eventOutput.emit ('new-event', this.obj);}} .bind (this));
0.3.0 seemed to have fixed the problem fixed
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