assembly - Invalid program counter value in MIPS -

My program is about to be recursive, but just after calculating the last answer to my program, the program ends with errors, <

More specifically: Error: Invalid Program Counter Value: 0x00000000

I believe this is a problem with my JR $ RA because my code During debugging I saw that the error was the second junior $ RA program Calculates the correct answer after

How will I solve this problem? I need a program to print the number stored in the $ v0 register, but the program fails before doing so.

  .data msg: .asciiz "Enter a positive integer: \ n" Msg2: .asciiz "its value is: \ n" .text li $ v0.4 to $ a0, msg Syscall li $ v0,5 syscall $ a0 driving, $ v0 cValue: addi $ sp, $ sp, -4 sw $ r, 0 ($ sp) bgt $ a0,1, recursive li $ v0.1 lw $ ra, 0 ($ Sp) addi $ sp, $ sp, 4 jr $ ra recursive: addi $ a0, $ a0, - 1 gel c value li $ t7,3 ml $ v0, $ t7 mflo $ v0 addi $ v0, $ v0, 1 lw $ ra, 0 ($ sp) addi $ sp, $ sp, 4 jr $ ra  <

The last jr $ ra to display will jump to $ ra previously set before entering cValue Was there. Since you do not have any initial jal cValue , then the value of $ ra will be the price of your program. Usually this will be somewhere in the runtime, which gives your main , and this is the behavior that I get in PCSpim.

I do not know that you have not specified your performance environment since the "Invalid Program Counter" error, but as I mentioned above, adding a jal cValue After the subtype has ended, the problem should be solved after continuous execution after jal . Then you can do whatever you want to get out of the program.


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