ios - Assertation Failure in CorePlot -
I have recently started testing my application on my iPhone 6 Plus, and when I got a Corplot from a graph Using the data point I used, I failed the error message like:
failure failure - [CPTXYPlotSpace setYrange:], / USS / Joshmet / Download / Core-Plot- release_1.5.1 / framework / Source / CPTXYPlotSpace.m: 416
Although it works perfectly well with my iPhone 5, so I was curious if E. This could explain how it is OK. Here are some code thanks!
- (zero) scatterplot: (CPTScrPotto *) conspiracy plot SymbolWeeked Records Index: (NSUntengar) Select IDX and call for the graph to be highlighted so that the selected symbol is red Will become * / Self.indexSelected = idx; [Self.graph reload data]; CPTPlotRange * newXRange = [new CPTPlotRange]; / * If we have a daily graph, then we need to calculate our X coordination / ([self.graphTitle isEqualToString: @ "daily"]) {double location = [[self xIndexForDailyGraph: idx] doubleValue ] -1; If (location & lt; = 0) newXRange = [CPTPlotRange Plot Range with Location: CPTDecimalFromInt (0) Length: CPTDecimalFromDouble (2)]; Else newXRange = [CPTPlotRange Plot Range Location Location: CPTDecimalFromDouble (Location) Length: CPTDecimalFromDouble (2)]; } / * Monthly and Weekly graphs x coordinate * / else {if (! Idx) {newXRange = [CPTPlotRange location with plot range: CPTDecimalFromDouble (idx) Length: CPTDecimalFromDouble (2)]; } Else {newXRange = [CPTPlotRange Plot Range Merge: Location: CPTDecimalFromDouble (idx-1) Length: CPTDecimalFromDouble (2)]; }} / * Y index of index (depends on current day or month) * / if ([self.graphTitle is EqualToString: @ "weekly"]) {NSInteger day of week = [[NSCalendar current calendar] component: NSCalendarUnitWeekday Date from: [NSDT Date]]; IDX = (working day + IDX)% 7; } If ([self.graphTitleEqualToString: @ "monthly"]) {NSInteger currentMonth = [[NSCalendar current calendar] Component: NSCalendarUnitMonth date: [NSDT date]]; IDX = (currentMonth + IDX)% 12; } Twice Selected Points = [[Self-reliance. Data array [IDX] Object foreaki: @ "Rackoffurine"] Double Values]; CPTPlotRange * newYRange = [CPTPlotRange Location with Plot Range: CPTDecimalFromInt (Selected Point-10) Length: CPTDecimalFromDouble (20)]; [CPTAnimation Animate: self.plotSpace property: @ "xRange" fromPlotRange: self.plotSpace.xRange toPlotRange: New extension duration: 1 animation traveled: CPTAnimationCurveCubicInOut Representative: Self]; [CPTAnimation Animate: self.plotSpace property: @ "yRange" fromPlotRange: self.plotSpace.yRange toPlotRange: newArange duration: 1 animation kurt: CPTAnimationCurveCubicInOut Representative: self]; / * Add Text Notification * / [AdannototectronArchrodord Index: IDX Fourplot: Plot]; }
This was a bug in the core plot. I believe it has been fixed in the latest code. You will need to pull the latest code and create a core plot from the source. See what has changed since
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