c# - WPF installation path Variable? where are my installation files -
I installed the gradient to make an installer for my program, while I was working with Visual Studio, I Very important file was created on a folder on my desktop, this folder is now inside the installed path.
Is there any way in terms of current installation path? Example: Get the icon from the environment. Installation path, or something for that effect? Like how can I reference my installation folder without writing a longer string path, assuming the folder?
The following code will give you the folder that contains the WPF application, which was installed at that place It was established.
string path = path.gate directory name (assembly; gate excursion accordion). Location); You must include the following namespaces
using System.IO; Using the system. You can do anything like this
string path = path.comb (path .gate directory name (assembly. "Resources ");
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