python - Write data to excel template -
I need to create some Excel tables, but these tables do not look like simple, there are some pictures, some special fonts etc. . But complex parts are stable, it always means the same.
So I thought, I will create an excel-template with these difficult parts and then the python just insert dynamic data in this template.
I am working with the framework of Pandas, but I could not find a way along with this framework or without it.
Any thoughts?
This is not an easy way to do this with any normal "direct file manipulation" libraries in Python (Xlrd, xlwt, xlsxWriter, openpxl; these are the ones that use panda) The reason for this is that the structure of a workbook file is such that it is impossible or prohibitively difficult (depends whether you .xls or talking about xlsx) To do anything like "in-place" editing, Implemented Excel lack self.
So whatever you are trying to do, your best option is to work with Excel. (I'm assuming that you can run excel because you mention that you want to create Excel templates.) There are several ways to automate Excel, probably the most straightforward of Microsoft's VBA or VBSPP but if you call it Python If you want to, you can use or
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