java - Spring Boot Actuator adding X-Frame-Options = DENY to all endpoints (particularly error endpoint) -

I am trying to set X-Frame-Options to DENY for all management endpoint, especially / error End point I have the following in my application. Receipts of my Spring Boot application

  security.headers.frame = true = true management.port = 8001   

When I http: // localhost : 8001 / error I do not have the X-frame-option headers, although http: // localhost: 8001 / trace is the header in the endpoint, how do I configure my application I can do What do I need to override to get that response heading for properties or error overpoints?

By going through the current spring boot source (1.1.7.RELEASE), I do not see anyway Whatever you want, the security is not completely removed with auto-configuration.

The reason for this is that to be eligible for the desired HTTP headers (such as X-Frame-Options ) for a final point, it must be a bean in the original context ( Which is connected to the application on the normal port) which is applicable such beans etc.

My statement is made by Edov in Code ManagementWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter.configure method ( endpointHandlerMapping MvcEndpoint implementation beans).

Error page for management app, that is to be created in error and pointpoint , when the context of that child is created (due to the involvement of the management app), the interval It is too late to join, which is supported for HTTP header optimization


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