xcode - Textview caret/cursor is cut off at the bottom ios8 -
I'm struggling with a bug in Xcode 6.0.1. I'm building an app that has a similar view to Apple's compose section in the mail app. I'm using
func textViewDidChange (textView: UITextView) {self.tableView.beginUpdates () self.tableView.endUpdates ()} Which is to change its size using cell layout and simple barriers in column view.stimatedROHETET and TableViewRowight = UITTualAutActive Demement Order. I have a cell Mytextview.delagete = self This works flawlessly in my second view where the text has not been entered by the user.
The problem is that it seems that the cell carit / cursor is being truncated when it reaches the bottom of the keyboard or screen on the screen. Apart from this, if I press back repeatedly without entering the text then the carpet / cursor disappears almost 6 times, until it scrolls down to me, the cursor is still cut. I have realized that if I put 5 rows of text and then start back from the rows then the text works normally as well. It looks similar to seeing. It seems that there is some difference where it does not auto scroll to the right place. I should also mention that cell and textview are expanding because I can scroll down and see the text. I have already tried to remove other cells, to see if they are related to this problem, but it has no effect. I have worked very hard on this and have come from empty hands. Here is some relevant code.
Override function table view (table view: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) - & gt; UITableViewCell {var Seldifier: string? If indexPath.row == 0 {cellidentifier = "tocell"}, then indexPath.row == 1 {cellidentifier = "subjectcell"} if indexPath.row == 2 {cellidentifier = "bodycell"} cell = table view. DEqueueReusableCellWithIdentifier (cellidentifier!) ComposeTableViewCell as if indexPath.row == 0 {cell.tofield! .text = toString cell.tofield? .delegate = self} if indexPath.row == 1 {cell.subjectfield? .delegate = self} if indexPath.row == 2 {cell.bidfield ?. Delegate = self} return cell}
i hope that until Xcode Bug access do not enter the code here view.content = CGSizeMake (0,800) // in this way and apply as per the orientation
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