apache poi - CTBarChart not found inside POI schemas -

I currently use POI to edit the data in embedded charts inside a PPTX file using XPLF I am here. I found an example using a template PPT with pie chart and it did great work. I also tried to edit a line chart and it worked. However, when I tried to edit an embedded bar chart, I found that CTBarChart.class was not implemented inside the schema (org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingxml.x2006.chart.CTBarChart.class).

I am thinking that I have to write my own XML parser or get a separate library or if CTBER is in one of the other files that I have not found.

There is one problem on this!

Quoting the important part from that frequently asked question:

Two jar files are available, as described in the component overview section. The complete jar of all schemas is Oxmal-Schema-1.1 1.1, and it is about 15 MB. Small pio-oxal-schema jar is only about 4 MB. The latter jar file contains only commonly used parts.

Many users choose to use small pio-oxal-schema jars to save space. However, there are only XSD and classes in the PoE-oxml-schema jar, which are usually identified by unit tests. Each time, you can try to use a part of the file format that is not included in the minimal PoE-OXml-schema jar. In this case, you should switch to full Oximal-schema-1-1.1 .jar. For a long time, you can also present a new unit test that uses extra parts of the XSD so that they can incorporate them into the future Poyo-oxml-schema jars.

Then, the short word you have to switch from small poi-ooxml-schemas jar to full ooxml-schemas . For a long time, you need to present a unit test for Apache Poi, which uses that class, so it is automatically included in small jars in the future.


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