powershell - Pull Active Directory user information -

Hello my script which works partially if I write "write-host" but when exporting A text file does not work at all. I want to find the details, name, display name and manager of the User ID. Please help me understand why this is not working.

  Import-module ActiveDirectory $ document = "C: \ Temp \ adupdate yyyy.txt" Clear-content $ document & lt; # -ne = not equal CN = xxpc37254, ou = standard, ou = user, ou = corporate, dc = we, dc = dsrv-ac = equal -lt = least -gte = greater than -g = greater Or Qualified to -l = less than or equal to # & gt; $ Header = `'User ID" + "|" +' 'display name "+" | " + "Details" + "|" + "Id owner" + "|" + "Name of the id owner" # Remove header $ header $ out-file $ document - Append # $ Users = Get-ADUser -Filter {"xxpc *" like the name - or "xxmd *"} opposite the name - Search "OU = corporate, DC = we, DC = DISP, DC = COM" - Properties name, display name, description, manager $ user = ADSOR-filter {name-like "xxpc *" - or name-like "xxmd * "} -Properties name, display name, description, manager foreign currency ($ user $ $ user) {# management If unavailable ($ users.Manager -eq $ tap) {$ owner = "missing" $ owner = "missing" $ name of himself = "missing"} and {# admin's name, surname, and department $ owner = gate -Educhers ($ userid.Manager) -Guest-name, surname, department $ ownerid = $ owner.Name $ owner name = $ owner. Rename + "." + $ Owner. GivenName} $ listing = '$ Users.Name + "|" + $$ Users.DisplayName + "|" + '$ User. Details + "" "+" $ Owner's + "" "$ $ Own name $ list | out-file $ document -Append    

OK why the reason why it is not working maybe because if the statement is wrong within foreach, you should use the $ user in foreign currency, not $ users like you here Use.

It is being said, you should read on creating custom objects and the data you want Obtain, create custom objects and write that for pipeline this way you can use output in many different ways, whether it's a text file, a CSV file, XML or just on the screen.


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