c# - Using Gracenote to get Information about Music Artists, Albums and Tracks -

I am developing an application that takes the name of the artist and lists all of his album titles, I am trying to grayscans, but, the problem occurs when I retrieve the first 100 albums, it says:

Error - GCSP: Search Error: [22] Search: Invalid Category START = 101: Only the first 100 results can be used

I am an artist How do I get all songs and album titles?

  int i = 1; Int J = 20; {SearchResult gcSearch; Do {var gcClient = new GrassenCellient (GracenoteClientId); Var criteria = new search-caracteria {artist = "adele", search mode = search mode. Default, range = new range (i, j)}; GC Search = GCClient search criteria); Foreach (Album album album in search) {_tempList.Add (album); } I = J + 1; J = j + 20; } While (j & lt; gcSearch.Count); }    


Music is another database of metadata; An open version of this was created in response to the works of Ascent, through which its subsidiary company Grainnote bought CDDB rights and got limited access to data.


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