ios - UITableViewCell animation breaks UITableView touch detection and scrolling -

I was trying to get the new UITableViewCells for the first time similar to google + animation.

This is what I am doing:

  - (zero) tableview: (UITableView *) table view will be used: (UITableViewCell *) RowAtIndexPath for cell: ( NSIndexPath *) indexPath {if ([[Self serverfate controllerfortextable view: TableView] isDataAuitPath: IndexPath] {If (!! (Shown! (Expressions shown in Self: table view) Object: IndexPath] [(shown automatically IndexForTableview: TableView] Adject: IndexPath]; UIView * View = [cell content view]; View.layer.transform = self.initialTransformation; View.layer.opacity = 0.0; [UIView Chetavatvik: ANIMATION_CELL_APPEARANCE_TIME Animation: ^ {view.layer.transform = CATransform3DIdentity; View.layer.opacity = 1; }]; }}} // initial change resembles CGF Rotation Angelica = ANIMATION_CELL_APPEARANCE_ANGLE_DEG * (M_PI / 180); CATransform3D conversion = CATransform3DIdentity; Transform = cateresform 3 aromatet (transformation, rotation angelaardia, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); Conversion = Katransform 3D conversion (conversion, ANIMATION_CELL_APPEARANCE_X, ANIMATION_CELL_APPEARANCE_Y, 0.0); Self.initialTransformation = change;   

Everything works in the case of scenes, but when these cells are visible, I am losing full control of the UTTLView scrolling - I can not touch the cell, scrolling Can not stop or choose none of them, as long as the animation

Does anyone have any suggestions that I can do better to fix that problem?

The same problem can be found here:

Try entering time TipInCellAnimator has completely lost any of the 3.0 controls for 3.0seconds.

This is normal behavior for using animation animateWithDuration ... One of the methods is If you want user interaction during animation, then animateWithDuration: delay: options: animation: try to complete: and UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction as an option. I do not know what it can do in your animation, but it should allow user interaction.


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