java - How do I stop smooks from escaping ampersand? -

I have got a CSV for the Java configuration file and it has an ampersand in a field. When I convert to Java Bean, in this field, & amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp; Amp

Maybe I stop smooks from doing so?


  & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Smooks-resource-list xmlns = "" xmlns: csv = " "Xmlns: jb =" "& gt; & Lt; Parameter & gt; & Lt; Param name = "stream.filter.type" & gt; Sacks & lt; / param & gt; & Lt; Param name = "default.serialization.on" & gt; False & lt; / param & gt; & Lt; Param name = "feature-off" & gt; Http: //</ param & gt; & Lt; / Parameters & gt; & Lt; Csv: Reader Field = "Property, PropertyID, Unit #, FloorPlan, Reporting Stats, WorkType, Sub-Status, Subject, CurrentStep, Status, Dainikountor, ModificationContractor, MovOutodet, BaselineOpsSigned Panel, Plan OSSPMatplan, ActualOutsCommate Plan, Baseline CSAPSeptSplan, Planned CASCPSpanel , Actual CSCSpanel, Baseline Ops Signage Unit, PlannedOPSCommitUnit, ActualOPSCommitUnit, BaselineCSAcceptionsUnit, PlannedCSAcceptsUni T, ActualCSAcceptsUnit, BaselineCSTurnsUnit, PlannedCSTurnsUnit, ActualCSTurnsUnit, BaselineCommunityManagerAcceptations, PlannedCommunityManagerAccept, ActualCommunityManagerAcceptations, BaselineRentReady, PlannedRentReady, ActualRentReady, Regions, PreleaseMove-inDate "skipLines =" 1 "Separator =", "/> & Lt; Jb: Binding Binid = "Up Down Unit List" class = "java.util.ArrayList" createOnElement = "csv-set"> & Lt; jb: wiring beanIdRef = "upDownUnit" /> & Lt; / Jb: binding> & Lt; Jb: binding bnid = "up down usenet" class = "com.mime" createOnment = "csv-record" & gt; & Lt; jb: value data = "csv-record / property" property = "property" /> & Lt; Jb: value data = "csv-record / propertyID" property = "property number" / & gt; & Lt; Jb: value data = "csv-record / unit #" property = "unitName" /> ... ... ... & lt; jb: value data = "csv-record / area" property = "region" /> & Lt; Jb: value data = "csv-record / pre-programm-inadet" decoder = "com.mempany smooks.decoders.DateNullDecoder" property = "preleaseMoveInDate" & gt; & Lt; Jb: decodeParam name = "format" & gt; MM.dd.yyyy & lt; / Jb: decode paragraph & gt; & Lt; / Jb: value & gt; & Lt; / Jb: binding> & Lt; / Smooks-resource-list & gt;    

As far as I'm missing, avoid smoke field values The fact is that it converts the input stream reader data into a stream of SAX events (i.e. XML). I have felt that you will need to implement any type of javaubian decoder on the field value (& amp; back to & where appropriate).


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