Building Boost 1.56 with Intel C++ Compiler 2015 Windows -
I have seen other questions about the compilation of Boost with the Intel C ++ Compiler, however, I have no luck was not.
I first launched the Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Musician Edition IA-32 Visual Studio 2013 CMD and then the CD in my Boost Directory (C: \ promotion_1_56_0). I'm running bootstrap.bat (here's no problem) I then run C: / boost_1_56_0 / tools / build / src / tools / intel-win.jam: 57: Intel-win.init module with Intel-win error: No Intel Compiler version was found! C: / promotion_1_56_0 / Tools / build / src / build \ toolset.jam: 43: Toolset.using C: / boost_1_56_0 / tools / build / src / tools \ intel.jam from module toolset: Intel.init module of 32 Intel C: / boost_1_56_0 / Tools / build / src / build \ toolset.jam: 43: Toolset.using C: / boost_1_56_0 / tools / build / src \ build-system.jam: 461: from the module tools set-Module Build- System-clear request-C: / boost_1_56_0 / tools / build / src \ build-system.jam: 527: Module Build-C: \ boost_1_56_0 \ tools \ build \ src / kernel \ modules .jam: 289: Import from module module C: \ boost_1_56_0 \ tools \ buil D \ src / kernel / bootstrap.jam: 139: Promotion from module-build C: \ boost_1_56_0 \ boost-build.jam: 17: module with module scope Is there some setting Which I need to change so that the Intel C ++ 2015 compiler can detect? The goal is IA32 and I'm using Visual Studio 2013. I think I have solved this one basically, when Yes, it is not Update : It has come to your knowledge that it does not work with Intel C ++ 2015, but luckily you just have to b2 toolset = intel and I find that the intel compiler is not getting an error ...
b2 , calls
toolset = intel , then it does not seem like that. I suspect that Baza people internally mess things up. To reduce the story, you now need to explicitly specify your toolset version, for example:
b2 toolset = "intel-12.1-vc2013"
vc and
versus . Hope this will be helpful.
intel-win.jam b2 toolset = "intel-15.0" . I have promoted this method, so I know that it works. Here the command line has been created:
b2 toolset = "intel-15.0" address-model = 64 threading = multi version = release link = static-j4 < / p>
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