webstorm - Intellij: Move tab left and right -

Is there a way to move / change the tab using the keyboard? I know that I can switch tabs using ALT + LEFT / RIGHT, and I would like to be able to carry them using ALT + SHIFT + LEFT / RIGHT

Is it possible? ?

My research states that there is no way to do this (currently). There is a "move right" and "down down" but this tab divides groups into horizontally and sequentially, respectively. There is no key binding which is related to this, either.

Perhaps this suggests as a feature: https: // youtrack.jetbrains.net / issues / IDEA / (They are a bad proof, so I do not want to link directly) < / p>

There is a plugin for this that you can install:

Unfortunately, it does not work in Intel 13 (returns runtime errors)


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