c# - How do I fill a combo box bases on other combo boxes -
I have a class that hex for a command sent to a device and a bunch of text string (30) makes. Public string TmclRotateLeft public string TmclRotateRight (Bull bin, string address, int motor, int value) public string TmclStoreGlobalParameter (Bull bin, string address, String type, int motor) public string TmclSetCoordinate (Bull bin, string address, string type, int motor, int value)
I'm making a UI I actually with the command and combo-boxes for the parameter I want the user to the first combo box, command, and combo-boxes will be populated with the appropriate parameters of the command to choose from. Most of the parameters have only a few options, which are in addition to the price which can be anything.
What is the best way to accomplish this?
Thank you!
Use databbound combobox to go one way, you can use other You can pack all the codebox ' In the case of your combo During the property, you can set any countable types (such as
array or
list ) during the
DataSource of the box
The selected index changes your order's event
combo box .
SelectedItem properties in a
object by calling the array and reflection through the parameters to call your Mehotod Use it in the form.
value parameter, I allow arbitrary numeric input to
TextBox or
NumericUpDown .
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