java - GWT Highcharts - Semi circle donut -

I am using GWT Highcharts and want to make semi circle donuts. It is done in javascript with plotOptions.pie.startAngle and plotOptions.pie.endAngle . There is no method for this in GWT Highcharts. Then I tried to manually set it with .setOption ("/ plotOptions / pie / endAngle", "90") , but it had no effect. Maybe it was not supported by the Highstock 1.2.4 (the latest version which is supported by GWT Haittechts)?

My code looks like this:

  last chart chart = new chart () .setType (Series.Type.PIE) .setChartTitleText ("Browser on a specific website .setPlotBackgroundColor (string) faucet) .setPlotBorderWidth (zero) .setPlotShadow (incorrect) .setOption ("/ plotOptions / Pie / startAngle", "-90") .setOption ("/ plotOptions / Pie / endAngle "," 90 ") .setPiePlotOptions (New PiePlotOptions () .setAllowPointSelect (correct) .setCursor (PlotOptions.Cursor.POINTER) .setPieDataLabels (New PieDataLabels () .setConnectorColor (" # 000000 ") .setEnabled (true) .setColor ("# 000000") .setFormatter (New DataLabelsFormatter () {@Override public string format (DataLabelsData dataLabelsData) {and "+ DataLabelsData.getPointName () + '& lt; / p & gt;:" + dataLabelsData.getYAsDouble (+ + "%";}}))) .setLegend (new legend ( ) .setLayout (Legend.Layout.VERTICAL) .setAlign (Legend.lines.write) .settinglabel (legend.VerticalAlign.TOP) .setX (-100) .setY (100) .setFloating (true) .setBorderWidth (1) .setBackgroundColor ("#FFFFFF") .setShadow (true) .setToolTip (new tooltip (.setFormatter (New ToolTipFormatter () {@Override public string format (toolTipData toolTipData) {return "& lt; p & gt; "+ toolTipData.getPointName () + '& lt; / p & gt;:" + toolTipData.getYAsDouble () + "%"; }}));   

The working javscript looks like this:

  $ (function () {$ ('# container'). HighChurch ({chart: {PlotbackgroundColor: null, plotBorderWidth: 0, plotShadow: false}, title: {text: 'browser & lt; br & gt; shares', align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'middle', y: 50}, tooltip : {PointFormat: '{series .name}: & lt; b & gt; {point.percentage: .1f}% & lt; / b & gt;'}, Plot Options: {Pi: {Data Labels: {Enabled} : True, distance: -50, style: {fontWight: 'bold', 'color:' white ', text shadow:' 0 pixel 1px2px black '}}, startangle: -90, and angle: 90, center: ['50% ', '75%']}}, series: [{type: '[' 'IE', 26.8], ['Chrome', 12.8], 'Safari', 'Pie', Name: 'Browser Share', Internal Size: '50%', Data: [['Firefox' '', 45.0] 8.5] , ['Opera', 6.2], {name: 'Other', Y: 0.7, data labels: {enabled: false}}}}}})}};   

Is there any way to work with GWT Highcharts?

I think there may be a problem with the higher version, according to it - this is 2.3.4 Is supported by OK, there is no 2.3.4 version, there should be 2.3.5.

Highchoke 1.2.4 Superhero has been released between 2.3.3 and 2.3.5. Can you update the highstock for 1.25? 1.2.5 is supported to ensure this.


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