javascript - Detecting Available Storage with IndexedDB -

I have written an offline application which uses the IDB to store images and text that are usually used offline Is present in a MySQL DB for

However, I'm trying to explain one way that I can read the limits on devices memory for indexDB. I am currently using the following method to determine, though it only works in Chrome.

I'm using snippets from here, which comes in storageinfo for webkit, although if someone is ff & amp; IE & amp; Amp; More specifically the Safari who will be great.

Whatever I have collected, the quota used for everything that is stored by that browser not only for IDBI, however, what I am using is the Remaining Quota I Either request an AJAX request on the server to get the estimated size of all the files that will be stored and will work if there is sufficient storage or I will calculate the amount stored in IDB and if there It is enough to store more.

I was wondering if there was any more 'systematic' approach? And check the remaning quota in FF / IE and especially Safari & amp; amp; One way of testing for quotas specifically for IDB.

Many thanks!

Only API that is currently available and only for Chrome, navigator.webkitarmari storage.quariarias Andquata () .

Firefox is also meant to implement this API.

There are also two experimental APIs navigator.story quota.Carinfo (type) and navigator.storoz. ( available) If you use Chrome as - enabled-experimental-web-platform-features More details here:

I think the most interesting one is that it is still a draft, and is currently implementing this API.

Unfortunately currently no public information is available when and if more Safari will implement this API.

Currently there is a very different model for the edge quota - instead of the entire original limit, each storage type (indexed DB, local storage, etc.) has its own limit.

Update: This feature has been added to Chrome 52 (Experimental Flag) and Firefox 51 (Night) (). Then ((data) = & gt; console.log (data)) / object {quota: 2147483648, use: 0}


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