swagger - Where can I find / modify Loopbackjs model metadata? -

As you can now, the loopbase framework shows a snugger-based look at your API end points and methods To explain in brief. The problem is that this interface is very interactive.

I have to give an API-Docs (ISH) document for my API, and I am currently adding / normal / JS file to the file , but I suspect that I am changing the wheel here again. In order to display your interface for Swagger-UI / Lopback-Explorer, the endpoints should already highlight some kind of metadata, right?

I would like to receive it and complete it with the description, example, custom status code and "try it" button which users will see, they will not appreciate much interactivity.

You can click on the "RAW" button on the far right of any model in the "Safar" loopback Explorer For your loopback model and you will see the Swager JSON that describes the model.

If you really want to customize your API Explorer interface, see this article:

Then you can use model swarger resources And you want to provide any kind of clever interface ...

Hope this starts you in the right direction ...


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