android - Assign Dialog box view to another view -
I am creating a dialogue and set setting of a layout content view. And I'm programmatically adding buttons, set the dialog to display the images in the content view. How can I now see the dialog box in another view? This is a layout that is assigned to any view below
getview = r LATOOTAL_AlphaBOT_SPEC_WORD; Similarly how can I show dialog boxes in another view? Because I am programmatic adding all the elements programmatically to "Tamil Alphabets" because the children are zero, which gives the codes below. alphabetidog = new dialog (Tamil alphabetes.); Alphbetdialog.requestWindowFeature (Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); Alphbetdialog.setContentView (R.layout.tamil_alphabetsdialog); (Adding Elements of Layout "Tamil Alphabet" code ..............) LayoutInflator Inflator = (LayoutInflator) TamilAllababets.Is GatesSystemService (TamilAllababets.ILALUINFLATSSE); See line = inflator.inflate (tamil_alphabetsdialog, guardian, wrong); LinearLayout l1 = (LinearLayout) row.findViewById (; ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup) l1; Vg.getChildCount (); So I need to allocate a dialog box view in another view, how can I do this? I want something like this
getview = & lt; I see the dialog box & gt;
You should avoid using the dialog class directly and Instead, use dialog or dialogue :
Dialog is the base class for class communication, but You should avoid direct dialing dialogs instead, use one of the following sub-squares:
AlertDialog A dialog that lists up to three buttons, a list of featured items, or a custom layout. Can eat
DatePickerDialog or TimePickerDialog a dialogue with a pre-defined UI that allows the user to select a date or time.
In any case, I guess what you want is the Custom Dialogue and which is being modified, in that case using the Dialogfraagment class here An example is dialog slice layout
& lt; TextView xmlns: Android = "" android: id = "@ + id / textView1" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" & gt; Dialog Class Dialog Class
Expands Public Class DialogExampleFragment DialogueFragment {
Personal Static Last String ARG_PARAM = "Extra: PARAM"; Private string mText; Override public zero (activity activity) on @Evereate {super. Antache (activity); } @ Override Crate on Public Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super.Nought (Saved Instantstate); Bundle logic = acquisition agreement (); Mteext = Arguments .getString (ARG_PARAM); } @ Override Public Dialog on Critical Dialeg (Bundle Saved InstanceStat) {Dialogue Dialog = Super. Cotet Dialogue (Saved Instantstate); Dialog.setTitle ("title"); Return dialog; } Public Static DialogExamnfragment New Instance (String Message) {Bundle Args = New Bundle (); args.putSerializable (ARG_PARAM, message); DialogExampleFragment fragment = new DialogExampleFragment (); Fragment.setArguments (args); Return piece; } @ Override Public View Creatives (LayoutInflator Inflator, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState) {see Route = Inflator.Flat (R. Late Fragment_Dialog_Wid, Container, False); TextView t = (TextView) root.findViewById (; T.setText (MTEXT); Return route; } }
} to show as a dialog
dialogue.plue.Netu instance ("message"). Show (getFragmentManager (), "Dialog"); Note that when a dialog fragment is a piece, it can be shown as a dialogue or as a regular piece you can get all the information on the link given above.
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