android - Assign Dialog box view to another view -

I am creating a dialogue and set setting of a layout content view. And I'm programmatically adding buttons, set the dialog to display the images in the content view. How can I now see the dialog box in another view? This is a layout that is assigned to any view below

  getview = r LATOOTAL_AlphaBOT_SPEC_WORD;   

Similarly how can I show dialog boxes in another view? Because I am programmatic adding all the elements programmatically to "Tamil Alphabets" because the children are zero, which gives the codes below. alphabetidog = new dialog (Tamil alphabetes.); Alphbetdialog.requestWindowFeature (Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); Alphbetdialog.setContentView (R.layout.tamil_alphabetsdialog); (Adding Elements of Layout "Tamil Alphabet" code ..............) LayoutInflator Inflator = (LayoutInflator) TamilAllababets.Is GatesSystemService (TamilAllababets.ILALUINFLATSSE); See line = inflator.inflate (tamil_alphabetsdialog, guardian, wrong); LinearLayout l1 = (LinearLayout) row.findViewById (; ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup) l1; Vg.getChildCount ();

So I need to allocate a dialog box view in another view, how can I do this? I want something like this

  getview = & lt; I see the dialog box & gt;    

You should avoid using the dialog class directly and Instead, use dialog or dialogue


Dialog is the base class for class communication, but You should avoid direct dialing dialogs instead, use one of the following sub-squares:

AlertDialog A dialog that lists up to three buttons, a list of featured items, or a custom layout. Can eat

DatePickerDialog or TimePickerDialog a dialogue with a pre-defined UI that allows the user to select a date or time.

In any case, I guess what you want is the Custom Dialogue and which is being modified, in that case using the Dialogfraagment class here An example is

dialog slice layout

  & lt; TextView xmlns: Android = "" android: id = "@ + id / textView1" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" & gt; Dialog Class  

Dialog Class

Expands Public Class DialogExampleFragment DialogueFragment {

  Personal Static Last String ARG_PARAM = "Extra: PARAM"; Private string mText; Override public zero (activity activity) on @Evereate {super. Antache (activity); } @ Override Crate on Public Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super.Nought (Saved Instantstate); Bundle logic = acquisition agreement (); Mteext = Arguments .getString (ARG_PARAM); } @ Override Public Dialog on Critical Dialeg (Bundle Saved InstanceStat) {Dialogue Dialog = Super. Cotet Dialogue (Saved Instantstate); Dialog.setTitle ("title"); Return dialog; } Public Static DialogExamnfragment New Instance (String Message) {Bundle Args = New Bundle (); args.putSerializable (ARG_PARAM, message); DialogExampleFragment fragment = new DialogExampleFragment (); Fragment.setArguments (args); Return piece; } @ Override Public View Creatives (LayoutInflator Inflator, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState) {see Route = Inflator.Flat (R. Late Fragment_Dialog_Wid, Container, False); TextView t = (TextView) root.findViewById (; T.setText (MTEXT); Return route; }  



} to show as a dialog

  dialogue.plue.Netu instance ("message"). Show (getFragmentManager (), "Dialog");   

Note that when a dialog fragment is a piece, it can be shown as a dialogue or as a regular piece you can get all the information on the link given above.


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