rest - Fuzz JSON with Peach -

I have made a small REIT based webservice in the flask, and now I am using JSON as the frame framework. Want to do I know that it uses a pit file for fusing (XML), but my small brain pit is not able to create a file that can fulfill my purpose I went a lot for the peach pit file but all Went in vain I need a pit file or anyone can tell how to make a pit file to fuzzy the payload.

A good tutorial is available about Peach.

Many elements need to define:

  • The data model describing the format of the data you want to send.
  • A state model describing the behavior of a Fuzzer.
  • Monitoring applications under an Agent Running and Fuzzing.
  • An examination brings together all the definitions.

    Here is an example of a peach guit file from the tutorial.

      & lt; Peach xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xsi: Schema Location = " / 2012 / Peach ../peach.xsd"> & Lt; DataModel Name = "DataHart" & gt; & Lt; String value = "HTER" mutable = "false" token = "true" /> & Lt; String value = "" /> & Lt; String value = "\ r \ n" fluctuation = "false" token = "true" /> & Lt; / DataModal & gt; & Lt; State model name = "stationhunter" initial location = "initial" & gt; & Lt; State name = "Initial" & gt; & Lt; Action type = "input" & gt; & Lt; Data modell referee = "datacarsons" /> gt; & Lt; / Action & gt; & Lt; Action type = "output" & gt; & Lt; DataModel Ref = "DataHart" /> & Lt; / Action & gt; & Lt; Action type = "input" & gt; & Lt; Data modell referee = "datacarsons" /> gt; & Lt; / Action & gt; & Lt; / State & gt; & Lt; / StateModel & gt; & Lt; DataModel Name = "Datacarsons" & gt; & Lt; String value = "" /> & Lt; / DataModal & gt; & Lt; Agent name = "remote edge" location = "tcp: // 9 001" & gt; & Lt ;! - Run and attach windbg to a weak server. - & gt; & Lt; Monitor class = "WindowsDebugger" & gt; & Lt; Paragraph name = "commandline" value = "c: \ documents and settings \ administrator \ desktop \ vulnserver \ vulnserver.exe" /> & lt; Param name = "WinDbgPath" value = "C: \ Program Files \ Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)" /> & Lt; / Monitor & gt; & Lt; / Agent & gt; & Lt; Test name = "testhunter" & gt; & Lt; Agent Riff = "RemoteAngent" /> & Lt; State model ref = "sithatter" /> & Lt; Publisher Class = "TCP Client" & gt; & Lt; Paragraph name = "host" value = "" /> & Lt; Paragraph name = "port" value = "99 99" /> & Lt; / Publisher & gt; & Lt; Logger class = "file" & gt; & Lt; Paragraph name = "path" value = "log" /> & Lt; / Logger & gt; & Lt; / Test & gt;   

    If you want to use a JSON data model, you can follow the following.

    1) Define the data model related to JSON.

    JSON object

      {"name": "John Smith", "Address": {"address1": "555 Main St" , "City": "Seattle"}}   

    Data Model

      & lt; DataModel & gt; & Lt; String name = "name" value = "John Smith" /> & Lt; Block name = "address" & gt; & Lt; String name = "address1" value = "555 key st" / & gt; & Lt; String name = "city" value = "seattle" /> & Lt; / Block & gt; & Lt; / DataModal & gt;   

    Then you will have to write your custom publisher in C #. For this, this is one.


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