Send google analytics event in loop -
I'm a newbie in analytics.
I have created a Is the job of a simple loop or Google thinks my event is coming very fast to them? Do I have a : Each analytics.js tracker object starts with 20 hits, which is 2 Hit is loaded per second. It applies to all hits except ecommerce (item or transaction). Plus you have "only" 500 interaction hits per session , So you have too many Iv Will not leave replies to or GA data track record event every time a time-tracking creates time-records in the web application, but the user records a one-time record for several dates Who should do a
record-created event for each new record?
setTimeout ?
_. Each (date, function () (ga ('send', 'event', 'record-created') should be added; // perhaps wrap up the line in one setout?}); < / Div>
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