web services - c# Http Request KeepAlive Request Order -
My question about HTTP header: I am calling a web service the web service is hosted on multiple servers and the load is balanced. If I then two operations need to be done (2 calls to the service) - but I need to make sure Is that those Programming requests are sent to the server . For example, if 3 servers were behind Load Balancer: So my question is: In what request do I have to send What does is? For the first request for each operation, use it at least: If you are going to have all the calls together then you can put it in all, but the last one, it is a bit faster However, it also depends on the load balancing implementation, but I think the standards are they. connection: keep- alive and
connection: off
connection header is
Keep- If Alive is set to
to stay up < / Code>?
keep alive prepare the server for further request? Or is it telling the server to remember PREVIOUS request
connection: keep-alive
connection: keep-alive
connection: keep-alive < / Code>
Connection: Close
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