r - can't pipe with magrittr Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function "%,%" -

I am using Magritr to use new piping functionality, and when I use the% & gt;% I can, I use%,%. I tried the example below in response to

I get the error error in evpl (expr, envir, enclos) : "%,%" Can anyone do something that can paste the source code just to work so that I

  `%,% & lt; In any way. I am just trying to use the paste function with several arguments, for example i  
  are want to change the day. time (as.numeric (paste (str_sub (Sys)), 1,4), str_sub (Sys.time (), 6,7), str_sub (Sys.time () , 9, 10), sep = '')) with   

  str_sub (Sys.time (), 1,4)%,% Str_sub (Sisktaim (), 6,7)%% Str_sub (Sisktaim (), 9,10%) & gt;% paste (Sepp = '')% & gt;% Asknumerik () Avl error (expr, envir, enclos): function "%,%"   

but instead I

  paste (str_sub (Sys.time (), 1,4), str_sub (Sys.time (), 6,7) , Str_sub (Sys.time (), 9, 10), sep = '')% & gt;% as.numeric () [1] 20141008   

Any help? An example function I know is paste (sep = '') can be changed with paste0 () , etc.)

%,% , version 1.1.0 magistrate While existing Crane version 1.0.1 (last updated in May).

The easiest way to install packages on Gitob is using the devtools ,

  library (devtools) install_github ("smbache / magrittr ")    


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