ruby - Better way of doing giant formatted data objects in Jekyll? -

I am converting my existing blog, currently it's a simple static site with JCEL, with some custom functions Flask + is supported by Frozen Flasked, and Jakele feels a good community around it, so I thought I could start using it instead of my existing semi-classical custom setup.

Why does this make it interesting that blog content is nautilval and highly structured? There are three "conversations" in each post ( and they have a name, description, IMG headshot, And includes the set of QAA. Here also the Metadata is in the encounter (name, intro, timestamp, etc.)

Actually what I'm doing is sending a couple of questions and answers in a tuple, sliding into a list , The conversation specifies the word in the list, to throw each conversation in the list. The list of conversations, plus metadata, is the overallity of my blog's content.

Converting it into jacail is a bit interesting. Jekeel does not perform mobility well in front or page content objects.

I basically sit on "hack" which exploits the case in front of Jakeel - I'm making a list, which corresponds to the conversation in each jacail post < pre: Name: "Interview with Vincent" Introduction: "Hello This is this Introduction" Title: "Codepad Interview" Conversation: -name: "Vincent" qas: - Question: "First Question" Answer: "Third Question Answer: "Third question" Answer: "Third question" Answer: "First answer" -Name: "John" Q: - Question: "Second Question" Answer: "Second Answer" - Question: "Third Question" Answer:

etc. Is there a better way to do this in Jacque? Keep in mind that these questions / answers too many can be long.

Here the original footage is in the original template which I am trying to apply and the data on which the data has been passed conversation object is currently in the large YAML blob.

  {% for conversations in conversation%} & lt; Img src = "{{conversation.headshot_img}}" /> {% For qas in conversation Qas%} {{qas.question}} {{qas.answer}} {% endfor%} {% endfor%}    

This is a great way to optimize your posts.

  --- Interview metadata ... - - {% include interview.html%}   

_includes / interview.html

  --- Metadata ... --- & lt; H2 & gt; {{}} & lt; / H2 & gt; {{Conversations. Name}} {% {qas.question}} for {qas in conversation} {{qas.answer}} {% endfor%} {% Endfor%}   

If you have your interview metadata You want to use Markdown in it, you can output it to:

{{page.introduction | Markdownify}}


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