c++ - Are variables real things? -
I am learning C ++ and I want to know if the variables are real things, they are in some computers where compiler Talks? can be in C ++ abstract machine which may or may not be A solid equivalent in your computer Neither the closely guarded secret is that it is not easy to come from the C ++ abstract machines (they are intangible!), So instead we use some very smart tools, the compiler, which is your C ++ abstract The behavior of the machine imitates physical, concrete computers. The compiler will attempt to map the concepts in the C ++ abstract machine to the objects present in their computer, but those mappings should not be 100% accurate. Compiler often mapped some variables to anything Because they can treat your program like this, such as the C ++ abstract machine that was running without mapping them. This is just one of the many moves, which will keep the vibrator confusing that your program is running in one of those machines instead of your computer. Does this mean that the variables are "real"? It seems like just an old question:
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