diskspace - Linux du directory size, how is this possible? -
I have a job named Libre SCRATCH I see this
ubuntu @ memo: ~ $ du -s joblibSCRATCH 2831128 joblibSCRATCH This is 2831128 kilobytes, which is 2.836024 GB. I see this:
ubuntu@memo: ~ $ du -hs joblibSCRATCH 2.7G joblibSCRATCH So the two are saying that this folder is both 2.7 GB and 2.83 GB How can this be? If it makes any difference then I am using a virtual hard drive on the cloud server.
2831128/1024 = 2764.7734375 2764.7734375 / 1024 = 2.69997406005859375
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