ember.js - Transition from {{view Ember.TextField}} to {{input type="text"}} -
I amber 1.8 to amber 1.8.0-beta 2. (incremental upgrade, I upgrade by the hope of reaching the latest 1.8 I am .0-bothered without beta.4).
Obviously, this is:
Repatriation: The view "Amber. Textfield" was resolved on the global context. Instead, look at the viewer on the container, such as {{"select"}.
This is my basic implementation:
{{View view Ember.TextField classNames = "form-control" valueBinding = "properties §name" id = "Name-id" placeholder translation = "generic name" required = "true"}}
So I tried (as I did with other scenes):
Unwanted error: Prohibition failed: p>
textField should be a subclass of Amber. Look, no
It seems, this one is now. So I try with the following:
{{input type = "text" classname = "form-control" value = name of property id = "name-id" placeholder conversion = " The common "name" is required and it seems to work, but I am worried that I am doing something wrong, because neither
id and
classNames and
placeholders The conversion is listed for the
input component.
My question like this:
- Am I correct in refacting this
{{view ember.TextField}} - & gt;
{{input type = "text"}} ?
- What about clearly supported properties? They start working in my case. Is this the problem of old documentation or ...
- Is there a list of common properties supported by all components? I can not find anyone.
Here's my answer to your questions on Amber Phase:
Yes you are refactoring right
OLD- {{view ember.TextField}} NEW- {{input type = "text" value "= "Class" etc. properties are somehow supported by HTML input so that you can class Add items, placeholder etc. that will be supported automatically according to my understanding
In addition, whatever else is supported, all other assets will always work. You can read the comments mentioned in Amber
{{input type = "Text" value = "111" name = "mytest" class = "icon" id = "wow"}} and I input id = "wow" square = "amber-view amber-text-field icon" type = "text "Name =" mytest "value =" 111 "& gt;
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