ember.js - Transition from {{view Ember.TextField}} to {{input type="text"}} -

I amber 1.8 to amber 1.8.0-beta 2. (incremental upgrade, I upgrade by the hope of reaching the latest 1.8 I am .0-bothered without beta.4).

Obviously, this is:

Repatriation: The view "Amber. Textfield" was resolved on the global context. Instead, look at the viewer on the container, such as {{"select"}.

This is my basic implementation:

  {{View view Ember.TextField classNames = "form-control" valueBinding = "properties §name" id = "Name-id" placeholder translation = "generic name" required = "true"}}   

So I tried (as I did with other scenes):

Unwanted error: Prohibition failed: p>

textField should be a subclass of Amber. Look, no

It seems, this one is now. So I try with the following:

  {{input type = "text" classname = "form-control" value = name of property id = "name-id" placeholder conversion = " The common "name" is required and it seems to work, but I am worried that I am doing something wrong, because neither  id  and  classNames  and  placeholders The conversion is listed for the  input  component.  

My question like this:

  • Am I correct in refacting this {{view ember.TextField}} - & gt; {{input type = "text"}} ?
  • What about clearly supported properties? They start working in my case. Is this the problem of old documentation or ...
  • Is there a list of common properties supported by all components? I can not find anyone.

    Here's my answer to your questions on Amber Phase:

    • Yes you are refactoring right

        OLD- {{view ember.TextField}} NEW- {{input type = "text" value "= "Class" etc. properties are somehow supported by HTML input so that you can class Add items, placeholder etc. that will be supported automatically according to my understanding   
    • In addition, whatever else is supported, all other assets will always work. You can read the comments mentioned in Amber

        {{input type = "Text" value = "111" name = "mytest" class = "icon" id = "wow"}} and I input id = "wow" square = "amber-view amber-text-field icon" type = "text "Name =" mytest "value =" 111 "& gt;      


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