php - codeigniter convert excel file to pdf -

I want to ask how can I convert PDF into Excel?

After uploading me after uploading 5 excel files and I convert to 1 pdf?

For now I use this code:

  / ** * Example: DOMPDF * * Documentation: * http: // P / dompdf / wiki / Usage * * / Public Function Index () {// View all ideas in the normal $ - like-> Load-> View ('test') load; // Get Output HTML $ html = $ this- & gt; Output-> Get_output (); // Load Library $ this- & gt; Load-> Library ('dompdf_gen'); // Change the pdf to $ this-> Dompdf-> Load_html ($ html); $ This- & gt; Dompdf-> to present (); $ This- & gt; Dompdf-> Section ("welcome.pdf"); }   


class Dompdf_gen {

  public function __construct () {require_once APPPATH.'third_party / dompdf / dompdf_config Inc.php '; $ Pdf = new DOMPDF (); $ CI = & amp; get Instance(); $ CI- & gt; dompdf = $ pdf; }   


First of all, you have to dump all Excel to PRP array or var, after that you can create PDF as you want, it is a simple PHP script to convert excel to PDF, you can use it and it can be used as a sub-class of codeigner

Please check this url

When you use that class, your Excel D The ta will be with you so that you can use another class for PDF and this class will help you

Hope this is helpful for you


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