c# - Call function inside another process which is not written in .NET -

I want to call the function inside another process and send 1 argument through createremotethread.

Now, I can do this by sending inline ASM, but I do not know enough assembly to do this way. Besides, I have no access to the remote process source code.

I was thinking about using:

  [Layout layout (layoutcind.Security, Pack = 1)] Public Structure Remothed Papers [[Marshal AS (Unmanaged Type I 4)] Public Entry Paramma 1; [Marshall AS (UnmanagedType.I4)] Public Entry Paramma 2; }   

But what I think, the remote process should know how to handle it.

Is there an easy way to send 1 argument in a remote process that does not include any assembly?


In the same way I am trying to solve it at this time but I get a memory exception and I do not really understand what I am doing wrong.

We have a PTR function in 0x64D480 in the remote process, it is assembly taken from the IDA supporter.

  // function passed the PTR IS 0x64D480 .text: 0064D480 sub_64D480 proc; Code XREF: sub_4DA7F0 + 3Ap. Text: 0064D 480; Sub-64D 550 + BP ... .text: 0064d 480. Text: 0064D 480 var_C = dword ptr -0CH // arg1. Text: 0064de 480 arg_0 = dword ptr 4 // arg2 .text: 0064D480 Text: 0064D440 Push ESI. Text: 0064 D 481 push edi .text: 0064D482 mov edi, [esp + 8 + arg_0] .text: 0064D486 push edi .text: 0064D487 mov esi, ecx .text: 0064D489 call sub_64D330 .text: 0064D48E test al, al Text: 0064D490 jnz short loc_64D497 .text: 0064D492 pop edi .text: 0064D493 pop esi .text: 0064D494 retn 4   

It is not possible to call the function like this:

  [Layout layout (Sequik, Pack = 1)] Public structure RemoteThethreads [[Marshal AS (Unmanaged type I4)] Public int paragraph 1; [Marshall AS (UnmanagedType.I4)] Public Entry Paramma 2; } Allocate some basic HAP memory in your process to store zero data function (IntPtr _functionPtr, RemoteThreadParams _parameters) {// Parameter Data IntPtr iptrtoparams = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (Marshal.SizeOf (_parameters)); // Simply Marshall to copy the data into its structure in the original stack memory. Allocated structures (_parameters, iptrtoparams, false); // Use to allocate "committed" memory which is proprietary to other processes INTPtr iptrremoteallocatedmemory = VirtualAllocEx (this.handle, IntPtr.Zero, (uint) Marshall. SizeOf (_parameters), allocation type. Commit, MemoryProtection. ExecuteReadWrite); UIintPtr bytes return = UIntPtr.Zero; // Copy the local process memory to the memory of the remote processProcess Memory (This Handle, IPTermotocorted Memoriri, IPTroparmum, (UIT) Marshall. Size (_Permatories), Written Out bytes); // Marshall Free Free Memory FreeHejlobal (Iptroprom); // In case of thread id and return value, we need it for later iTradID; UIT return value = 0; IntPtr hThread = CreateRemoteThread (this.handle, IntPtr.Zero, 0, _functionPtr, IPTroparm, 0, iThreadId outside); WaiterSyncingAbject (HTHread, 0xFFFFFFFF); GetExitCodeThread (hThread, exit return value); CloseHandle (hThread); CloseHandle (this.handle); }   

There is no easy way to make it the easiest way to do this: LoadLibrary is done with and sansge code. You need two versions: 32-bit DLL and 64-bit DLL, you choose which process to be injected on the basis of "BCCT".

  CreateRemoteThread (....., address load library, "location of your unmanaged DLL");   

When you receive the reference on the Internet at Google C # CreateRemoteThread LoadLibrary .

After that, you want the Custom Dell call function:

  #include "stdafx.h" typefiff zero (__stdcall * MyCustomFunc) (int param1, int param2 ); BOOL APIENTRY DllMain (HMODULE HModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) {switch (ul_reason_for_call) {case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: {// This code is executed voluntarily. // This is just a test, // you are doing better by writing a different function in a DLL // and exporting it, so that you can call it later from C #, once DLL can be injected is. MyCustomFunc test = 0x64D480; Test (2, 4); } Case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: Case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: Case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: Break; } Return TRUE; }   

ps, you also need Freelbury , if necessary call calling is also important for getting the right I am going to an organ here, and I say that it looks like __stdcall, but see it __cdecl, or __fastcall, or whatever may be: For more information.


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