c# - Validate ICD-10-CM -

Is there a verification (regepix or otherwise) written for an ICD-10-CM?

I am not interested in trivial solutions (3-7 alphanumeric), I would like to know how the 7th digit requirement was settled.

I did not write a regular expression for ICD-10C but I have written a lookup engine . You can search the database for parsing and code in a SQL database (if no results are found, the code is invalid). Unfortunately, I can not post my code here due to various NDAs, but it should be trivial to do so. The advantage is that you will only get valid codes (and not the codes that look like "ICD-10-C" but are invalid, as you would with regex).

Alternatively (and I do not recommend this) you can search full text on the XML file at the top of a simple regular expression, but it will be buggy (from experience).


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