c - Why is the compiler confused into a SIGSEGV by unsigned int? -

I have solved a problem, which has given me a sense of what is going on, but still not at all.

  int main () {unsigned int a = 2; Four c [2] = {}; Char * p = & amp; C [1]; Return P [1 - A]; }   

This is a bit clearer when the last line is rewritten.

  return * (P + (1 - A)); / * Equivalent * / return * (P + 1 - A); / * Work * / return * (P + (1 - (int))); / * Functions * /   

I'm surprised that the compiler does not remove the bracket internally. And more so that it clearly tries to capture a temporary negative result of type unsigned int unless there is a reason for division fault. The output of the assembler has a slight difference between the brackets and without the code.

  - movl $ 1,% eax - subl-12 (% rbp),% eax - movl% eax,% edx + movl-12 (% rbp),% eax + movl $ 1 ,% edx + subq% rax,% rdx    

Regarding this forcible rules The expression is 1-a as a unsigned int , and the result is in an underflow. The compiler can not remove the bracket because you are mixing the types, consider your cases:

  return * (P + (1 - A)); / * Equals * /   

first calculates 1-a , but treats it as a unsigned int . This is less than an unsigned type, and gives maximum value for unsigned int it is then added to the indicator, resulting in p + (1 <31) , if unsigned int is 32-bit, such as an indicator is removed for some, it is unlikely to be a valid memory location.

  return * (P + 1 - A); It calculates  p + 1  and then decreases  a , resulting in dereferencing  p- 1 . This is technically undefined behavior, but perhaps (in most implementations) a reference to a valid memory spot on the stack.  
  return * (p + (1 - (int) a)); / * Functions * /   

This adds a a to a signed int , and then 1-A < / Counts the code, which is -1 . You can again dereference p-1 .


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