Nginx unable to find after install from source -

I am creating nginx from source at Ubuntu 14.04, but after construction, when I run NGN, Error:

  / etc / nginx / sbin / nginx: error while loading the shared library: can not open the shared object file: no such file or directory < / Code>  

The reason for this is probably possible because it is called Is there a package that I can install for lippipers?

Can I configure nginx to use in any way?

For additional privileges with custom username and group here, Nginx with OpenSSL and Pcre-8.36 How to compile:

  ./configure - with-cc-opt = "- $ $ STATICLIBSSL / include -i / usr / include" \ --with-ld-opt = "- L $ STATICLIBSSL / lib -Wl, -rpath -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz" \ --sbin-path = / usr / sbin / nginx \ --conf-path = / etc / nginx / nginx.conf \ --pid-path = / var / run / \ --error-log-path = / var / log / nginx / error.log \ --http-log-path = / var / log / nginx / access .log \ --with-pcre = / lib / - with-http_ssl_module \ --with-http_spdy_module \ --with-file -aio \ --with-ipv6 \ --with-http_gzip_static_module \ --with-http_stub_status_module \ - without-mail_pop3_module \ --less-mail_smtp_module \ --less-mail_emap_module \ --user = nginx \ --group = nginx \ --with-http_spdy_module \withwith -http_auth_request_module \ --with-openssl = / root / openssl / openssl-1.0.2a / libssl.a-with-z Lib = / usr / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu / libz.a    


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