osx - Eclipse (Mac) external tool not running commands in terminal -

I am the only front-facing developer in a company where engineers use Eclipse for all things. I have a great build build tool to set up front-end code, and I'm fine by using commandline + text editor. However, I am trying to find a way for other developers to be able to create and deploy the front-end code locally through eclipse.

How do I use Eclipse for Windows? However, in other developers, Linux or Mac is excelps trying to mix another deal with the way to run an application through an external device, I created a builder with the following qualities:

  • Location: / usr / bin / open
  • Work directory: $ {project_loc}
  • Logic: -A / Applications / Utilities / Terminal However, the Eclipse Console complains that "file [Project DIR] / Grunt and [Project Dyer] / Build & Asser is not present."

    The eclipse is hoping to call the terminal app with a list of files separately from the empty space, but what I want to do is to provide a logic that "as I would run it from the command line in the project directory. "

    / li>>
  • Logic: build and secure


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