plot - plotting without axis and bonding box in matlab / octave -

I have two plots: how can I get rid of the axis and connection box on the second plot? I am using Octave 3.8.1

I use plot command to build a plot.

  clf (figure (1)) figure (1); Plot (xfreq_orig (1: 3000), yamp_orig (1: 3000)); Print ('-dpng', '- S1024,768', 'strcat (' / tmp / ',' 01_graph.png ')); % Export plant to keep the file; CLF (figure (2)) figure (2); Plot (excrec_orig (1: 3000), ymp_inv (1: 3000), 'r') print ('-dpng', '-s1024,768', straight ('/ tmp /', '02_graph page')); % Export plot   

first plot

< Img src = "" alt = "2 plot">

It is as simple as

  axis off   

  box off   

which only disable parts of the axis


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