excel - How to get VBA hyperlinks working? -

I tried to use hyperlink but it is not doing anything. I would like to know why I need to change to use hyperlinks. sub RDB_Worksheet_To_PDF () String dim FolderPath string as string dim pom as slow filename PONumber = Sheets ("Buy Order with Sales Tax"). Room (8, 6). Value FolderPath = "Z: \ 1.PRODUCTION 1. Buying \ pH H 2012 \" if ActiveWindow SelectedSetts.Data & gt; 1 then "selection of one sheet is more, MSBBC" & amp; VbNewLine & amp; _ "Keep in mind that every selected sheet will be published in the" end if "function with the correct arguments Call FileName = RDB_Create_PDF (ActiveSheet, FolderPath & PONumber, True, true) If the file name is & lt; & Gt; Folderpath & amp; PONumber is 'OK, you get the PDF where you saved it' You can call the mail macro here if you want "MSBbox" sweet! The PO is saved as a PDF. To see "& Amp; VbNewLine & amp; _", click PO number in PO number worksheet. "Other message" PDF is not possible, possible reason: "& VbNewLine & amp; _" Microsoft Ad-In Is not installed "& amp; VbNewLine & amp; _" no PO number is selected "& amp; VbNewLine & amp;" The path to save the file is not correct "& amp; VbNewLine & amp; If PDF is present then you did not want to overwrite it "If" Sheet "(" PO Number "), then select range (" A1 "). Do not smvar = Cells.Find (what: = PONumber, after: = ActiveCell, LookIn: = xlPormulas, LookAt _: = xlPart, SearchOrder: = xlByRows, SearchDirection: = xlNext, MatchCase: = _ False, SearchFormat: = False) If not, then nothing is activating smvar.ActiveSheet.HyperLink.Add Anchor: = Selection, Address: = _PrintPathPampMon & amp; ".PDF" Sheets ("Order Purchase with Sales Tax" ) Select sub sub

This works for me - favorable to suit is.

  Sub-tester () Worksheet as a shtPO, set the Gwalior sheet PO = sheets ("Sheet 1") as a space set smvar = shtPO.Cells.Find (what: =) "Hello", _ after: = activivel, lookin: = xlfarmula, _looket: = xlpeart) if not then nothing shtPO.Hyperlinks.Add anchor: = smvar, address: = "C: \ folder \ folder2 \ File.pdf "End if and all   

There is no need to select / activate any.


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